Frequently asked questions.

Is All Your Food Vegan?

No. We started making food to fulfill the needs of people on a vegan diet, so our default is vegan. If we make something that isn’t, we highlight it, along with a listing of non-vegan ingredients.

Do you only serve doughnuts?

We always serve doughnuts, but we have a seasonal and situationally rotating menu that we are always augmenting. Is there something you’d like to try that doesn’t fit your dietary needs? Let us know in the “Contact” section and we will do our utmost to make it happen.

Do you have anything for a keto diet?

We usually have a few items that fit a keto diet. Sugar-free and low carb items will often be available at events. Many items are vegan, but will be marked as non-vegan when appropriate.

How about [instert other dietary constraint here]?

The Blue Mammoth is always up for a challenge. If you have a need for celebratory food that fits your diet, contact us, and we can work together to develop a catering menu that works for you!

Do you Cater?

Yes we do!! Feel free to contact us and we will find the best menu for you and your friends to create those lifetime-highlight moments and memories with your family and friends.